Have you heard of Plantober?
International Tree Foundation (ITF) and Creating Nature’s Corridors are the charities behind the new Plantober campaign, launched in October 2023. Plantober encourages people to connect with nature by planting tree seeds in recycled containers. Tree seeds are foraged locally, to nurture at home and grow on for planting at a future organised local tree planting event.
We took part in Plantober and were delighted to support ITF with organic and paid social media throughout the campaign.
Planting for the future
Naomi enjoyed foraging and growing a conker seed in a recycled orange carton.
“This year, I had the opportunity to plant a seed and spend some time outside looking for a conker to plant. It was a fun experience that reminded me of my childhood when I used to go out and find seeds that had fallen off the trees. However, this time, I can make a positive impact on the environment. Hopefully, I can watch the tree seed grow into a sapling!”
Social media as a force for good
famille’s team supported ITF with campaign posts, including stories and a paid promotion to encourage people to get involved.
“It’s been enjoyable working alongside ITF to raise awareness of an important issue. We can’t deny that climate change is real and unfortunately happening right before our eyes, so working with ITF on their ad campaigns feels like I’m able to make a small difference to a bigger picture. We ran a short Facebook ad which was to direct people to learn more about Plantober and hopefully inspire them to take part. We did indeed gain several link clicks and a surprising amount of engagement on an ad which was purely for web views. Hopefully, we will see the fruits of this when people have tree saplings to plant at a future ITF tree-planting event!”
What’s next for Plantober?
We’ll be nurturing our tree seeds and watching them grow and look forward to planting out our little saplings.
Check out these helpful guides from ITF. Start learning about the different types of tree seeds and the best planting conditions for success, or perhaps you could hold a tree planting event in 2024?
You may also like to watch Naomi planting a tree seed in our reel